10 hours 57 minutes.
10 hours 57 minutes at 65 mph.
The total distance between the two locations is 712 miles. It will take about 10 hours and 25 minutes.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Memphis, Tennessee and Austin, Minnesota is 712 miles. The resulting travel time is 12 hours and 12 minutes.
About 442 miles, which is about 712 kilometres.
712 times as much as in one foot. Take the number of inches in one foot, and multiply that by 712.
The distance between the start point and the destination is 712 miles, and will take approximately 12 hours 27 minutes of driving time.
1152 * .62 = 712
There are 712 flight miles that separate Augusta Georgia from Havana Cuba. The estimated travel time between these two locations by commercial plane is 1 hour and 55 minutes.
It is 712 miles according to Google Maps.
442 miles = 712 km
Erie lake Ontario has the shortest shoreline (712 miles) Lake Erie has the smallest volume (116 miles cubed)