Time=Distance/Rate718/75=About 9 hours 30 minutes
10 hours 15 minutes. This is the total driving time at that speed and excludes stops or delays.
about 718 miles
718 miles
718 miles
Yamhill County, OR is 718 sq miles (1,860 km²)
The distance from Irvine Ca. to Ashland Or. is approximately 718 miles.
It is 718 miles according to Google Maps.
Yamhill County, Oregon, USA - 718 square miles.
City 500 miles north of Lafayette, Louisiana
Depends on how fast you're going, and how many breaks you'd need. If you could drive at 65 MPH all the time it'd take you a little over 11 hours, not counting refuelling stops and similar. Now, for most situations it'd be very unrealistic to maintain 65 MPH all the time, so you're probably looking at a few more hours.