742 miles
742 km or 463 miles
The distance between the above two places is 742 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
742 miles
There are four different stretches of toll roads between Cleveland, Ohio and Portland, Maine when you take the fastest route, which gets you there in about 11 3/4 hours driving time, at about 742 miles on the road. For a more scenic drive, you can take some more direct roads for a shorter total distance, 703 miles. But that drive will take longer: 13 1/3 hours. It's possible to find a route that avoids every toll road, but it increases your mileage to almost 800 miles and your driving time to 14 hours. For scheduling purposes, you'll have to add time for stops along the way. (Source of data: MapQuest.)
It is 742 miles according to Google Maps.
By car it is 742 miles. Take I-40 W to Barstow, then I-15 S.
The shortest distance is 742 miles.
742 miles
172 742 sq mi
742 miles Going North-East
It is 742 miles according to Google Maps.