12 hours 38 minutes.
This cannot be answered properly without knowing what your speed is.
11 hours (758 miles)
The total distance between the two locations is 758 miles. It will take about 11 hours and 39 minutes.
It would take 10.82857143 hrs. ( 10 hrs 49 mins. 42.85714296 sec. ).
It is about 758 miles from Chicago, Illinois to Kansas. This drive will take you just over 10 hours depending on the traffic.
Depends on the average speed throughout the trip. 30mph-25.63 40mph-19 50mph-15 60mph-12.6
758 miles
1220 kilometers is approximately equal to 758 miles.
Total trip mileage = 758. MPG 14 miles per gallon. 758 miles * 1 gallon/14 miles = 54.14 gallons $3.20 per gallon * 54.14 gallons = $173.25
(758 miles) x (4 dollar/gallon) / (14 miles/gallon) = $216.57 (rounded)
It is 60 miles taking this route:Take KY-1079 WEST, from Magnolia, to KY-357 at the end of the road, and TURN LEFT onto KY-357.Take KY-357 to KY-758, and TURN RIGHT onto KY-758.Take KY-758 to I-65 SOUTH. Follow signs.Take I-65 SOUTH to Bowling Green.