The road distance from Lourdes to Versailles is 824 km (512 miles). The driving time is about 7H15.
It is 824 miles according to Google Maps.
824 miles
The drive from South Dakota to Indiana is longer. It is 433 miles from Pierre, South Dakota to Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada, while it is 824 miles from Pierre, South Dakota to Gary, Indiana.
Atlanta, Georgia is 824 miles away from Oklahoma. If driving by car, it would take about 13 hours. A flight would take about 2 hours.
824 divided by 4 please show long div = 206
824 miles / 1 326 km
The distance by road from Amsterdam to Munich is approximately 800 kilometers (500 miles). The driving time is around 8-9 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
824 and any multiple of 824 is divisible by 824.
824 miles
It is 824 miles according to Google Maps.
824 feet, 9 inches