864 miles
Distance is 864 kilometers (536 miles) on a straight line. Road distance is 1011 kilometers (628 miles) over a 11-hour, non-stop drive.
864,000 miles = 1,390,473,216 meters.
It is 864 miles according to MapQuest.
Around 15 hours of a non-stop trip, over 1390 kilometers (864 miles) of road.
54 500 000 kilometers = 33 864 730 miles.
It is 864 miles according to Google Maps.
864 miles (1390 kilometers).
Both cities are 864 kilometers (537 miles) apart from each other, on a straight line. The driving distance is of 1,019 kilometers (633 miles) and would take you some 10 hours of travel as you would have to drive through the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range.
It is 864 miles according to Google Maps.
Depending on the route you take, New Orleans is between 809 and 864 miles from Overland Park, KS. If you drove the distance, it would take you 14 to 14 1/2 hours.