Approximately 12 minutes.
3 hours, 5 minutes, 27.27 seconds
About 2 hours 37 minutes averaging 65 mph.
Time = Distance/Speed = 170/80 = 2.125 hours = 2 hours and 7.5 minutes.
170/65 = 2.6 hours
You can solve this using the following physics formula: T = D/S or Time = Distance ÷ Speed T = 170 miles ÷ 80 miles/hour = 2.125 hours. So If you drive a vehicle at 80 mph it would take 2.125 hours to drive 170 miles.
3 hours 5 minutes 5 secsAt a constant speed of 55 miles per hour, it would take 3 hours 5 minutes 27 seconds (rounded to the nearest second) to travel 170 miles.55miles per hour = 0.015278 miles per second;170 miles at 55 mph takes 170/0.015278 seconds = 11127 seconds (rounded) = 3 hours 327 seconds = 3 hours 5 minutes 27 seconds.
170 miles = 170*5280 = 897,600 feet. So 170 mph = 879,600 ft per hour.
About 2 hours 37 minutes averaging 65 mph
2 hours 50 minutes at 60 mph
170 km per hour equates to 105.6 mph.
It depends on how fast you drive. However, as an example, if you maintained an average speed of 65 mph, the time to cover 170 miles would be about 2 hours and 36 minutes. You would have to add time for stops, detours and other delays.