If you are walking, more than a month.
So it depends on your speed/velocity.
929 miles.
It is 929 miles according to Google Maps.
The flight distance is 929 miles. The driving distance is 1,076 miles.
It is 929 miles according to Google Maps.
577 miles / 929 km
It is 929 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance between Tucson, Arizona, and Dallas, Texas, is approximately 950 miles. The driving time would be approximately 16 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions that may extend trip time such as weather, road work, and rush hour traffic in urban areas.) 929 miles
From Dallas, Texas to the Wisconsin border is bout 929 miles if you take I-44, and it will take you about 14 hours to complete. If it is more convenient for you to take I-30, that adds about 33 miles and an additional 30min to the trip. Please allow for local traffic/weather/holiday conditions.
They are 1 and 929.
1, 929
Japan and Korea are separated by the Straits of Tsushima at the southern end of the Sea of Japan, which are about 38 miles wide. You can fly from Tokyo to Seoul in an hour, or you could go by boat which would take a few hours depending on the boat and the path. Boeing 929 Jetfoils connect Hakata port, Fukuoka, Japan to Busan, S.Korea in 3 hours. For a more precise answer, you'll need to specify the method of travel.
depends if score or leader board