Well were I come from, a 43 mile long drive is usually 43 miles long.
60Mph 1 mile a minute 223 minutes 3 hours 43 minutes.
Depends how you drive.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 43 minutes for that 337 mile journey.
At 20 mph how long would it take to drive one mile?
The driving time required for this 2,861.77 mile journey is 43 hours and 40 minutes according to MapQuest.
You can drive a mile at any speed, as long as you have enough time to do so.
343 minutes (at 60MPH, you are going 1 mile per minute), or about 5 hours and 43 minutes
To the nearest hundredth of a mile, it is 36.04 miles.
At 60 mph it is 1 minute per mile
43 hours
bout 43 mins