150 / 65 = 2 and 20/65 hrs or 2.31 hrs. 2.31 hrs = 2 hrs 18.5 mins
Two hours.
It will take you 12 minutes.
1.5 mi / 150 mph = .01 hr = 0.6 min = 36 sec.
At 20 mph, just over 7.5 hours; at 150 mph just over an hour.
1 hour 52 minutes 30 seconds.
At 60 MPH average, about 2 1/2 hours.
At 60 mph, 150 minutes is 150 miles long.
It takes 0.1 hour = 6 minutes.
Well you would cover 100 miles in an hour and then the other 50 in thirty minutes so it would take one hour and 30 minutes to drive 150 miles at a speed of 100 mph.
At 60 MPH average, about 2 1/2 hours.
30 minutes (mph= miles per hour)
It takes five and a half hours to drive 253 miles at 46 mph.