2 hours and 15 minutes.
2 hours, 24 minutes
45 mph
180/60 = exactly 3 hours of driving time
If you maintained an average speed of 50 mph, the time to drive 180 miles would be about 3 hours and 35 minutes. You would have to add time for stops, detours and other delays.
60 mph
To cover the 180 miles will require at least 2 hours and 46 minutes of driving time at a steady 65 mph. Add more time for stops and delays.
To work this out divide 180 by 70.It would take about 2 hours 35 minutes to drive.
Thirty minutes at 180 miles an hour.Ninety minutes at 60 miles an hour.At 60 MPH average, about 1 1/2 hours.
30 minutes (mph= miles per hour)
It takes five and a half hours to drive 253 miles at 46 mph.