Time = Distance/Speed = 190 miles/55 mph = 3.4545.. hours = 3 hours 27.3 minutes.
4 hours 45 minutes.
2 hours 32 minutes.
about 190 miles
Time = Distance/Speed so 190/85 = 2.235 hours = 2 hours 14 minutes (approx).
190 miles long and 50 miles wide.
320 miles long and 190 miles wide.
190/30=6.3333 gallons times unknown cost
Massachusetts is approximately 190 miles wide when measured from east to west.
Travelling 190 miles @ 70pmh... The answer is 2 hours 43 minutes (rounded to the nearest minute)
1,480 miles long and 810 miles wide. Aleautian Islands not included.
About 3 hours 10 minutes. This is the driving time at that speed and does not include slowing, accelerating or stopping during the trip.