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the first question is rather simple to answer:

the truck is going at 25 meters per second and decelerating at 7.7 meter per second every second1 therefore after 1 second it will loose 7.7 MPS (meters per second) of speed. after 2 seconds it will loose 15.4 MPS. after 3.24 seconds, it will loose 25 MPS, coming to a full stop.

1("meters per second" is a speed measure, acceleration and deceleration is a change in speed and therefore we need to know the rate of change, i.e. how much speed (meters per second) it losses or gains every second. that is why we are using the term "meters per second every second")

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Q: How long will it take for a truck to come to a full stop after going 25 m per s at an acceleration rate of -7.7 ms2 How long will an object take to fall 154 feet from an initial velocity of 0 m per s?
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When an object is acceleraating its speed is?

Its speed is whatever the object is going at the time. Multiply acceleration by time and then add initial velocity.

How do you know a moving object's acceleration?

You can calculate a moving object's acceleration by measuring its change in velocity over time. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so by calculating the difference between the object's final velocity and initial velocity over a specific time interval, you can determine its acceleration.

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Yes, an object's acceleration can be a negative number if it is experiencing deceleration or moving in the opposite direction of its positive acceleration. Negative acceleration represents a decrease in velocity over time.

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Positive acceleration occurs when an object's velocity is increasing over time, while negative acceleration occurs when an object's velocity is decreasing. Positive acceleration is associated with motion in the direction of velocity, while negative acceleration usually indicates motion in the opposite direction of velocity.

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Yes, an object can have a northward velocity and southward acceleration. This situation occurs when the object is moving northwards but its speed is decreasing or it is changing direction towards the south.

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Velocity is the rate of change of an object's position over time. A velocity of zero means the object is not moving at all. Acceleration, on the other hand, is the rate of change of an object's velocity over time. An acceleration of zero means the object is moving at a constant velocity, not speeding up or slowing down.

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Going back to definitions, Velocity is change of distance with time; and acceleration is change in velocity with time. Initially, the velocity is zero, as is the acceleration, BUT the Force of Gravity attracts the falling mass, and causes velocity to appear. But the continued application of the Force of Gravity causes the velocity to increase. And as we know, increase in velocity is acceleration. [space for QED]

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a=dv/dt. By definition, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. In mathematical notation, it is given as the formula stated above. Two special cases: 1. When acceleration is constant: The rate of change is a constant. Therefore, it can be calculated by: a=(vf - vi) / t where a is acceleration vf is final velocity vi is initial velocity and t is time taken 2. When velocity is constant: Velocity is not changing. The rate of change of velocity is zero. Acceleration has to be zero. * * * * * Note that velocity and acceleration are both VECTORS. Therefore, an object going round in a circle, at CONSTANT speed, has velocity and acceleration that are changing all the time - because the direction of motion is changing.

How would you find the acceleration of a car going down a ramp.?

To find the acceleration of a car going down a ramp, you can use the equation: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Measure the initial and final velocities of the car using a speedometer, and measure the time it takes for the car to travel down the ramp. Plug in the values into the formula to calculate the acceleration.

What is the change in velocity divided by the time interval in which the change occured?

The change in velocity divided by the time interval is known as acceleration. Acceleration measures how quickly the velocity of an object is changing over time. It is a vector quantity that indicates the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

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A changing slope on a velocity-time graph indicates that the object's acceleration is changing. If the slope is increasing, the acceleration is positive, and if the slope is decreasing, the acceleration is negative. A flat slope indicates constant velocity.

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