Depends on your speed.
it takes 663 miles
Approximately 9.5 hours
11 hours 3 minutes at 60 mph
Depends on how fast you drive. Go 100 miles an hour and it is six hours. Do 50 miles an hour and it is 12 hours.
Driving from Richmond to Toronto is 663 mi (about 10 hours 55 mins).
To calculate the time it takes to travel 663 miles, you need to know the speed at which you are traveling. If you are driving at a speed of 60 miles per hour, it would take you approximately 11 hours to cover 663 miles.
663 mi. = 1066.995 km
In a straigt line this would be 663 miles, so it will take at least 11 hours to drive here. Please check
663 Miles
The flight distance is 412 miles miles (663 km) and an average flight time is one and a half hours. The driving distance is slightly longer, and could take about 7 and a half hours.