673/75 = 8.97 hours
8 hours 58 minutes.
11 hours 13 minutes at 60 mph
At a constant speed... 8 hours 6 minutes.
If you maintained an average speed of 65 mph, the time to cover 673 miles would be about 52 minutes of driving. You would have to add time for stops, detours and other delays.
It does not go 673 miles. In fact, the fastest car goes 753 miles!
Go to yahoo maps, put in the addresses, and Yahoo will tell you how long it will take. 10 hours 25 mins, 673 mi, via I-76 E and I-80 E (from maps.google.com).
673 miles
673 people too easy person
Bulloch County's area is 673 square miles.
673 people too easy person
673 / 20 = 33.65 gallons of gas will be necessary--less than two tanks.So as minimum it will cost 33.65 * $3.70 = $124.51.But say you wanted to refill your tank fully two times--that makes 26+26=52 gallons, so 52 * $3.70 = $192.40.