2 hours 16 minutes.
1 hour 45 minutes averaging 65 mph.
114/80 = 1.425 hours or 1 hour 25 minutes and 30 seconds.
About 1 hour 31 minutes. This is your actual driving time at that speed and does not include stops.
It will take about 1 hour and 45 minutes of total driving time if you drive non-stop at a constant speed of 65 mph.
114 / X = How Many HoursX= MPH
How long dose it take to go 20 miles at 90 mph
what do ya think mph stands for... miles per hour. it will take one hour to drive 60 miles at 60 mph.
It would take 12 minutes to drive 20 miles at 100 mph.
It will take 20 min to go 20 miles at 60 mph.
Two hours at 60 mph
Divide 2000 miles by 25 mph to get the answer. It would take 80 hours to go 2000 miles at 25 mph.