48 minutes. This is the total driving time at that speed and excludes stops or delays.
To find out how long it will take to drive 470 miles at 40 mph, divide 470 by 40. The answer is 11.75 hours or 11 hours and 45 minute.
At 40 mph, it would take you 1 hour 30 minutes to drive 60 miles.
About 37 minutes at 65 mph
25.5 minutes.
455.325 hours.
About 9 minutes.
22.5 minutes.
45 minutes.
27 minutes.
It will take 1 hour and 30 minutes to drive 60 miles at 40 mph. You can go 40 miles in 1 hour, therefore you will go 20 miles in half an hour. 40 + 20 = 60 miles.
Time = Distance/Speed = 25 miles/40 mph = 0.625 hours = 37.5 minutes.
Eight minutes.