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Q: How long would it take a car to go 50 yards at 25 miles per hour?
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How long does it take to walk yards?

18000 yards = 10.23 miles a person can comfortably walsk at 3 miles an hour so it would take 3.41 hours to cover 18000 yards.

How long would it take to travel 50 yards at 30 miles per hour?

About 3.4 seconds.

How long would it take a car to go 39 yards at 25 Miles per hour?

Roughly 3.199 seconds.

How do you convert 139 yards long in 25.75 seconds to miles per hour?

To convert 139 yards in 25.75 seconds to miles per hour, first calculate the speed in yards per second. Then convert yards to miles (1 mile = 1760 yards). Finally, convert seconds to hours (1 hour = 3600 seconds). Calculate the speed in miles per hour using the obtained values.

When traveling 5 miles an hour how long to go 400 yards?

There are 1760 yards in one mile. Therefore, 5 miles per hour is equal to 5 x 1760 = 8800 yards per hour. To travel 400 yards at 5 miles per hour would take 400/8800 x 60 = 2.72 recurring (that is, 2.727272...) minutes or 2 minutes 43.63 recurring (that is, 2 minutes 43.636363...) seconds.

How long does it take to drive 50 yards driving at 55 miles per hour?

About 2.05 seconds.

How long is 3500 yards in miles?

3,500 yards is 1.99 miles.

How long in miles is 10000 yards?

10,000 yards is 5.68 miles.

How long in miles is 500 yards?

500 yards is 0.28 miles.

How long would it take to travel 25 miles at 25 miles per hour?

1 hour.

How long would it take to drive 80 miles at 80 miles per hour?

One hour.

How long would it take to go 80 miles?

At 80 miles per hour, one hour. At sixty miles per hour, 80 minutes.