approximately 600 miles
The distance from Redding, CA to Seattle, WA is approximately 600 miles.
It depends on your exact route, but the approximate driving distance by road is 695 miles.
MapQuest give that trip a driving time of 10 hours and 12 minutes and a mileage of 598.98 miles but feel free to round it off to about 600 miles if it makes you feel good.
The distance between Chicago, Illinois and Greenville, South Carolina is approximately 600 miles when driving.
The shortest driving distance is 600 miles.
The average driving distance is 600 miles, depending on where you start from and where you go to.
According to the driving distance is 260 miles.
Divide 600 by 65. You get 9 hours and 15 minutes.
To cover the 600 miles from KC to Denver will require at least 7 hours and 30 minutes of driving time at a steady 80 mph. Add more time for stops and delays.
The distance between Fort Worth, Texas, and El Paso, Texas is 600 miles. This would take about 8 hours and 13 minutes driving in the car.