8 hours.
At 60 miles per hour, 9.383 hours.
The shortest driving distance is 563 miles.
About 7 to 8 hours, depending on weather and traffic. It's 450 miles.
The driving distance from Bristol, Tennessee to Windsor, Ontario, Canada is 563 miles via I-77 N to US-35 N per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 7 minutes.
563 miles per hour is 489.234 knots.
563 Miles :]
Take the A2 / 563 km - about 5 hours 15 mins.
The driving distance from Mississauga, Ontario to Kalamazoo, Michigan is approximately 350 miles or 563 kilometers. The actual travel time will depend on traffic conditions and the chosen route.
296 miles frm my place so around thereAbout 300 miles.
total driving distance from Sofia, Bulgaria to Istanbul, Turkey is 350 miles or 563 kilometers.
563 miles