Basic Formula:-
Speed = Distance divided by Time, S=D/T, or in other words Speed = (Miles / Hour)
think of the units of measurement, Miles per Hour (MPH), or Km per Hour (KPH), Feet per Second (FPS). This idea works for all formula, the units give you a big clue.
Transposing this equation, we could rewrite it as:-
Distance = Speed x Time, or Time = Distance / Speed.
Driving for 473 miles at a Speed of 473 MPH would require one Hour to cover the distance. Your question has only one variable, you need two work out the answer.
473 km = 293.91 miles.
The total distance between the two locations is 473 miles. It will take about 6 hours and 35 minutes.
≈ .473 miles
473 miles
23.65 gallons (473÷20).
473 miles and takes about 8 hours to drive
It is 473 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest driving distance is 473 miles.
8-8 1/2 hours and 473-506 miles, depending on the route you choose.
Ontario is huge. It's 473 to Toronto, 700 to Sudbury.
The straight-line distance is 417 miles (671 km), and the shortest road distance is 473 miles (761 km).
473 miles