The driving distance is approximately 605 road miles - about 9 hours of driving time, depending on your average speed and what route(s) you take.
It is 605 miles according to MapQuest.
It depends on your average speed. At 60 mph, you can drive 600 miles in ten hours. At 30 mph, it will take you 20 hours.
The equation is distance = speed times time So the time it takes to travel 605 miles is 605 miles divided by 55 miles per hour = 11 hours You may want to add some time to stop for lunch.
11 hours
There are 605 miles between Montreal, QC, Canada, and Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
605 miles divided by 55 mph= 11 hours T= d/s time= distance divided by speed
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 376mi, (605 km), and will take approximately 6 hours 27 minutes of driving time.
605/55 = 11 hours driving, plus stops for food, gas, rest, etc.
11 hours without stopping.
Time = Distance/Speed = 605/55 = 11 hours. That assumes that the average speed is maintained, making due allowances for comfort breaks, fuelling stops etc.
The driving distance from Kansas City to Denver is 605 road miles using I-70 West.