It will take about 7 hours 48 minutes of total driving time at a constant 60 mph. It will take longer if you slow down or stop along the way.
It would take 3.5 hours to drive 210 miles at 60mph.
9.5 hours if you are driving at 60mph
7 hours 55 minutes.
14.5 hours 870 miles/ 60 mph = 14.5 hours
4 hours 25 minutes !
depends on how fast you drive....if you drive an average speed of 60mph it would be around 4 hours
60mph - 5mins 30mph - 10mins 15mph - 20mins
Three hours at 60mph
About 14 hours
2 if you are driving 60mph
Approximately 8 hours (assuming a speed of 60mph).
3 hours and 36 minutes.