322 miles
The driving distance is approximately 322 road miles. The driving time will be about 5 hours and 36 minutes, depending on your speed and traffic conditions.
There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 322 kilometres is equal to 322/1.609344 = 200.08 miles.
The driving distance is about 322 miles.
322 miles
322 miles on 19 348 miles on I-75
Approximately 322 miles.
322 miles
The shortest distance is 322 miles.
The shortest said distance would make these two cities around 121 miles apart from each other.
To cover the 322 miles will require at least 4 hoursand 57 minutes of driving time if you maintain a steady 65 mph. You will have to add time for stops, detours and other delays.