3,096 km taking this route:
About 808
It is 24.72 miles according to MapQuest.
432 miles
There are about 70 apartments available for rent as of June 22, 2011 in Dunedin, Florida. The prices range from $500-$1500 a month, depending on how many bedrooms in the apartment.
The driving distance from Dunedin Florida to Jackson Michigan is 1216 miles via I-75 per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 18 hours and 33 minutes.
Google Earth calculates the distance as 25.9 miles - and estimates a journey time of 38 minutes.
170,304 square kilometers
there are 2276 miles in Florida
It is 485 kilometers according to Google Maps.
Dunedin is acutally located within the state of florida. There are many apartments on sale in this area so I would recommend going to see and estate agents to see more properties like the ones you are implying.
2300 km
The air distance in kilometers from New York City, New York, United States of America, to Dunedin, New Zealand, is 14,896 kilometers. That equals 9,256 miles or 8,043 nautical miles.