From Adelaide, Australia, to Rome, Italy, is a distance of 9,526 miles, or 15,331 kilometres.
Distance: 591 km (about 7 hours 58 mins)
Rome, Italy to Canterbury, UK is a distance of 1,789.65kmby road.
25 kilometres (15 1/2 miles) taking SS-163 SALERNO.
No. A) Rome is a city of just over 1,200 square kilometres in Italy. B) The country of Italy has an area of just over 300,000 square kilometres. C) Turkey is a country. It is a little over 750,000 square kilometres. And is about 650 kilometres away from the nearest part of Italy.
33 kilometres
Dunedin, New Zealand is about 20000 kilometres from Italy.
Rome is the largest city in Italy and is its capital. It is located in the central part of Italy, on the western side. It is about 24 kilometres inland.From the French border at Mont Blanc down through Italy to Rome is about 630 kilometres.
25 kilometres
4,265 miles, 6,723.83 kilometres
2000-3000 kilometres.
The driving distance from Florence, Italy to Venice, Italy is 258km