28 miles in 1 hour 38 minutes equates to an average speed of 17.14 miles per hour.
If you are traveling 2 miles an hour, then 1 hour.
About 1 hour and 43 minutes.
1 mile an hour
80mph = 80 miles/hour If you drive for one hour at 80 miles/hour, you will travel 80 miles.
65 miles per hour / 1 hour = 65 miles
8.726 miles per hour.
at the rate of 30 miles per hour it would take 1 hour. at the rate of 30 miles per hour it would take 1 hour.
20 = 1/3 of an hour. 1/3 of 7 is 2.33 miles.
MPH stands for 'miles per hour'. Therefore, 1 mph means traveling 1 mile in 1 hour.
1 hour at 14 miles per hour. 2 hours at 7 miles per hour.