157 miles (approx 3 hours 10 mins)
21 hrs 10 mins at 60 mph
10/12.5=0.8 of an hour or 48 mins.
10 hours 8 mins
225 miles (approx 4 hours 10 mins drive).
10 hours 18 mins or around 660 miles
It would take 10.82857143 hrs. ( 10 hrs 49 mins. 42.85714296 sec. ).
10 hrs and 15 mins
14 hours and 10 mins
Suggested routes: I-10 E - 1,194 miles - about 19 hours 34 mins I-10 E and I-20 E - 1,215 miles - bout 21 hours 24 mins
The distance between leeds and southhampton is 241 miles. (about a 4 hour and 10 mins drive).
time = distance / speed time = 1112 miles / (70mph) ~= 15.89 hours ~= 15 hrs 53 mins 10 secs