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Per diem (Latin for day) is a payment for a day - not related to time or distance.

It is usually a fixed amount "per day". So if you drive 50 miles or 500 miles you'll get the same amount.

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Q: How many miles do you have to drive to get per diem?
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You can drive up to 300 miles at that rate.

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That is 26 miles per gallon.

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It depends on your speed:- if you drive at 100 miles per hour it will take you 5.81 hours. if you drive at 50 miles per hour it will take you 11.62 hours.

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Answer"Per diem" is Latin for "by the day" so per diem charges would be fees assessed on a daily basis.

How many miles can you drive in 6.25 hours at 65 miles per hour?

6.25 hours at 65 miles per hour = 406.25 miles

How much time does it take to drive 5000 miles?

That depends how fast you're driving, how many stops you make, and how many hours per day you drive. If you average 50 miles per hour, it will take 100 hours to drive 5,000 miles.

What is per diem interest?

"per diem" is Latin for "by days" Interest calculated "per diem" would be calculated every day, not monthly or yearly.

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60 miles.

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3.529 miles

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