On average, busses do up to 10000 miles in a year, this is a bus traving no longer then 40 minuties a trip
It depends on the rate and time of the bus
The 93 year old bus driver's name is H Klein, and he drives the bus to South Africa.
1025 miles
Ten hours of course !
Depends on what charter bus which you did not list.
A bus is not able to move particularly quickly because of its size. It is able to drive at about 90 miles per hour, however this is not recommended.
That depends on the speed of the bus.That depends on the speed of the bus.That depends on the speed of the bus.That depends on the speed of the bus.
No, he does not. He has had many jobs in his life, but bus-driver is not one of them.
Approximately 44.7 miles.
3o miles
orangutans do not know how to drive a bus
The answer will depend on whether it is a bus on a congested urban road or a bus on an intercity motorway.