That depends where you are driving. In the city, expressways are often limited to 55 mph. In country areas the speed range can be from 55 to 80 depending on where you are driving.
It depends on how fast you drive and the type of road. If you drive 60 miles an hour on a freeway, it will take approximately 3.2 hours.
Depends on how fast you drive. If it's all freeway driving at 60 Miles Per Hour, it's approximatly a 3 1/2 hour trip.
70 miles
The travel time for 662 miles will depend on the speed of the vehicle. If you average 60 miles per hour on the freeway, you can see that it will take right at about 11 hours. Figure out an average speed and divide that into the 662 miles to get the time.
40 miles for every hour you drive.
70 miles for every hour you drive.
6 hours or less depending if there is much city traffic. All freeway it will take probably 5 hours it would take you 5 hours if you were traveling at 60 miles per hour
70 x 2 = 140 miles.
Exactly 100 miles
Depends on how fast your going. If you drive 60 miles per hour it will take you and hour and a half to drive 100 miles. If you drive at 50, it will take 2 hours. MPH is how many miles you'll achieve in one hour, so do the math and you'll find out.
65 miles per hour / 1 hour = 65 miles
About 338 if that beast gets 13 mpg.