465 kilometers is about 289 (288.937604) miles.
0.0880682 miles.
There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, 465 miles is equal to 465 x 1.609344 = 748.34496 kilometres.
465 miles
465 miles
340 miles taking I-65 SOUTH, via I-465 SOUTH to bypass INDIANAPOLIS (EXIT 123 off I-65 in INDIANA to get onto I-465 SOUTH ; EXIT 53B off I-465 to continue on I-65 SOUTH to LOUISVILLE).
The shortest distance is 465 miles.
465 miles
The distance is 465 road miles.
100 miles taking this route:Take I-65 NORTH to U.S. 31 NORTH via I-465 EAST (EXIT 106 off I-65, follow signs to I-465 EAST) to bypass Indianapolis and KEYSTONE AVE (EXIT 33 off I-465, turn right off the exit ramp) as a short-cut to U.S. 31 NORTH.Take U.S. 31 NORTH to Kokomo.
The driving distance is about 465 road miles.