10 miles taking this route:
Snellville to Rockville, MD is about 640 miles. Snellville to Rockville, SC is about 290 miles. Snellville to Rockwell, NC is about 260 miles.
348 miles
Google maps shows the distance as 7 and a half miles.
28 miles taking this route:Take I-20 WEST from Covington to SR-124 NORTH (TURNER HILL RD) off EXIT 75; turn right off the exit ramp onto SR-124 NORTH.Take SR-124 NORTH to SNELLVILLE.
It is 362 miles or 7 hours 22 minutes.
25 miles
About 16 miles.
The address of the Lilburn is: 788 Hillcrest Rd. NW, Lilburn, 30047 6827
The address of the Snellville Historical Society is: 2405 Springdale Dr, Snellville, GA 30078-3727
The phone number of the Lilburn is: 770-985-7640.
The address of the Snellville - E H Williams - is: 2740 Lenora Church Rd., Snellville, 30078 3226
The driving distance between Snellville, GA, and Macon, GA, is approximately 94 miles, with a typical driving time of about 1.5 to 2 hours depending on traffic conditions.