about 357.67 miles (6 hour drive)
It is 1,487 miles according to Google Maps.
about 420 miles to drive
Buffalo is approximately 40 miles from Batavia, NY via I-90 W. Drive time is around 45 minutes depending on traffic.
505 miles taking this route:Take I-79 NORTH from Charleston to I-90 EAST to BUFFALO at EXIT 178A near Erie, PENNSYLVANIA.Take I-90 EAST to I-490 to ROCHESTER at EXIT 47 off I-90 New York State THRUWAY (toll).Take I-490 to Rochester.
According to mapquest.com, it will take 21 1/2 hours to drive the 1394.7 miles from Buffalo NY to Miami FL
457 miles
900 miles
It's about 1800 miles from Rochester to Phoenix by car.
It will take about 26 hours to drive the 1,571 miles.
1100 miles
475 miles