One Imperial gallon is equal to about 1.201 US gallons.
One Imperial gallon equates to 1.20095 US gallons.
US gallons or Imperial gallons? 4,1 litre = 0.9019 Imperial gallons. 4.1 litre = 1.0831 US gallons. 1 Imperial gallon = 1.20095 US gallons 1 Imperial gallon = 4.54596 litres
One liter is about 0.219 Imperial gallons.
What type of car? In the city or in the countryside? How careful is the driver? And, more pedantically, US gallons or Imperial gallons?
1 Imperial gallon (British) = 1.20095042 US gallons
3353 US gallons / 1.20095 = 2792 Imperial gallons (to nearest full gallon).
There is no such thing as a metric gallon. The metric measurement is litres. There are 4.54609188 litres to an imperial gallon.
1 US gallon = 4 liters approximately 1 imperial gallon = 5 liters approximately Therefore 44 US gallons = 176/5 = 35.2 imperial gallons
1 Imperial gallon equates to 1.2 US gallons.
0.25 Imperial gallons = 1.137 liters