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If using a Mercury thermometer - about a minute. A digital thermometer - a few seconds.

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Q: How many minutes do you take a rectal temperature?
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How do you take a goats temperature?

With a rectal thermometer

How do you take a sheeps temperature?

With a rectal thermometer.

Can you use a rectal thermometer to take a temperature in the armpit?


What is the rectal temperature of a three toed sloth?

The average rectal temperature of a three toed sloth is usually between 28 Celsius and 32 Celsius (If you take the temp for week). "I tried to take my sloth's rectal temperature but I lost my thermometer and got my hand dirty."

Why is it important to take body temperature oral and rectal thermometer?

for safety

In the taking of a humans temperature there many different ways why and what is the adventage EXAMPLE rectal -oral -ear?

There are many methods of taking the human temperature and with each it's set of problems. Oral is subject to the last thing you had to eat, axillary (armpit) is subject to outside temperature, and rectal is subject to getting you beaten for trying to take it there. Unfortunately rectal is the most accurate other than Kidney, but you have to be dead to take it there. Others such as tympanic, temporal and others are proving to be much less accurate that originally thought.

Your honey like to take rectal temperature every day?

Must be very healthy person.

How is temperature taken through a rectal placement?

To take a rectal temperature, a lubricated thermometer is gently inserted about an inch into the anus and left in place for about a minute until the temperature is measured. It is important to use a thermometer specifically designed for rectal use to ensure accuracy and safety.

What are the proper steps for using a pet rectal thermometer to take your pet's temperature?

To use a pet rectal thermometer to take your pet's temperature, first lubricate the thermometer with petroleum jelly. Gently insert the thermometer into your pet's rectum about 1-2 inches. Hold it in place for about 1-2 minutes until the thermometer beeps or signals that it has finished. Remove the thermometer and clean it thoroughly before and after each use.

Can you take a dog's temperature using an infrared thermometer?

No, you cannot take a dog's temperature using an infrared thermometer. It is recommended to use a rectal thermometer for accurate results.

How many minutes does it take for the tea to cool to room temperature?

Bout 10 mins!

What is the proper way to use a rectal dog thermometer to take your pet's temperature?

To use a rectal dog thermometer, first lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly. Gently insert the thermometer about 1-2 inches into the dog's rectum and hold it in place for about 1-2 minutes. Be sure to clean the thermometer before and after each use.