The time taken will depend on the speed at which the journey is undertaken. This, in turn will depend on a number of factors:
· the speed at which your vehicle can travel,
· speed limits (and whether or not you obey them),
· road conditions,
· traffic
About 19 minutes
About 6 minutes
33.43 minutes
52 minutes
To drive from Woodstock to Marietta is 35 minutes to 45 minutes
The amount of time it would take to drive five miles depends of how fast you drive. If you drive 20 mph, it would take 15 minutes, but if you drive 60 mph it would only take 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
129.23 minutes
54 minutes.
15 minutes.
36 minutes.
It will take 48 minutes to drive 48 miles at the speed of 60mph It will take approximately 41.09 minutes to drive 48 miles at the speed of 70mph