Russia - The world's largest country in terms of geographic area at 6,592,800 square miles.
Russia - 6,592,800 square miles
Russia has a total area of approximately 6.6 million square miles.
How large is Russia? It is the number one country. 17075400 km² (1st) 6592800 sq mi.
Russia is the largest country in the world by land area, with a total of 17.1 million square kilometers.
Russia - The world's largest country in terms of geographic area at 6,592,800 square miles.
About 6.6 million square miles.
Russia is nearly twice the size of the USA. Russia - 17,078,000 sq km USA - 9,363,130 sq km
6,592,800 (Crimea not included) sq miles.
Russia 17,075,400 sq km, (6,592,812 sq miles)
The three biggest countries in the world are: Russia17,075,400 sq km, (6,592,846 sq miles)Canada 9,330,970 sq km, (3,602,707 sq miles)China 9,326,410 sq km, (3,600,947 sq miles)Russia - 17,098,242 km2Canada - 9,984,670 km2United States - 9,826,675 km2
Russia's total area is about 17,075,400 km2 (6,592,800 sq mi)