How many square people are standing in the garage? Justmultiply by 2.
A typical 2 car garage is 20x20 which equals 400 square feet
It depends on how many square people or animals there are.
10 X 10 a two car garage is 20 X 20 or 400 Square Feet
The average cost to build a garage in New York State varies based on the size of the garage. A 1 car garage costs $40 per square feet to build. A 2 car garage costs $85 per square feet to build.
There aren't any standard dimensions for a 1.5 car garage, but a one-car garage is less than 300 square feet. A two-car garage is usually just over 600 square feet, so a 1.5 car garage would be somewhere in between the two measurements.
There is no correct answer because a garage for three cars can be as large as one wants; however, it can never be smaller than the footprint of the cars (plus some "wiggle room" so you can open the door and get out). Of course not all cars have the same footprint and most garages also have space for storage, a workbench, etc. Just for grins, let's toss out an assumption that you need about 200 square feet per car. For a three car garage that equals 600 square feet.
A "square foot" is a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one foot on each side. 1 Square Foot = 0.0929 square meters. Abbrev.: ft2, sq.ft, SqFt. To calculate the answer you need to know the exact length and width of your garage. Square footage of gargares vares. The garage for my home(2 car garage is is 21' long X 21'wide house was built 1956.
The average with of an one car garage is 12 feet. Many people will want a few extra feet of width for storage.
A two car garage is usally 24 feet X 24 Feet.
Garages are different from country to country So you need to know how long and wide it is. Mine is quite large for even for Canada My two car is 24 by 26 feet long. 24X26=624 square feet
Basic 2 car garage is 20 x 20. A garage with more utility is usually 24 x 20 up to 26 x 24 for twin door garages. These are pretty common sizes but aren't limited to these by any means. So, 400 to 624 square feet. Or at least 20 feet wide and 20 feet deep.
I was quoted $35,000 to raise the roof on my existing 2 car garage (800 square feet), add bathroom, finish in, and add an external stairway. My garage is detached so the cost of doing this with an attached garage will vary depending on the current roof design.