Depends on the mile per gallon your diesel gets. Divide the MPG your vehicle gets into 200 and you will have your answer.
How many miles per gallon do you get? I will use 8.5 gallons in mine because I get 4.7 miles per gallon.
You can expect five to nine miles per gallon.
It depends on the use. I have seen 15 to almost 30 mpg.
No, you would use more.
In 200 miles you use 20 gallons - at 4.50 per , that is $90
Need to know specifics of the truck. Diesel is available in Class 1 through Class 8 trucks - the fuel mileage will vary greatly between the types.
how ever much u put in it
No, you can't. Diesel has much too high a flash point and won't ignite in a Zippo.
it is 200 miles
depends on the engine size
If the engine has spark plugs, use gasoline. If it has a diesel injection pump, use diesel.
form_title=Find a Diesel Truck for Sale form_header=Diesel fueled vehicles use less fuel overall than gasoline powered trucks. How many miles are you looking at?=_ How old can the truck be?=_ What features do you want?=_