That depends on a number of factors: the type of car, whether the road is horizontal or goes up and down a lot, how fast you go, and whether you drive at a constant speed most of the time or not.
None, if you are cycling.
At 20 miles per gallon, it will take 45.5 gallons.
20 gallons of gas
If you drive 35-38 miles a month, and gas is $3.65 a gallon, then approx. $3.65. Seriously... monthly mileage will be needed to calculate this question.
Depends on the size and type of vehicle and what type of engine it has and if or how much luggage/cargo there is inside besides a few people.
Well if typical car hold 10 gallons, then it will do about 300 miles, (average 30 miles/gallon). so 500 miles trip will requires about 20 gallons of gas. NOTE: if your vehicle does 20-30 miles/gallons, it will require more gas. (estimate 30-40 gallons)
16.91 gallons of fuel are needed. Multiply by the cost per gallon for the financial cost of the journey
$280 - 2000 miles divided by 20 (# of mpg) = 100 gallons of gas needed. 100 times 2.80 (cost of each gallon) = $280 total.
Not enough info. The fuel economy is needed for this equation.
1,000 divided by 23 equals 43.478 gallons of fuel needed for the trip.
More information needed. What is the fuel milage of the vehicle in question? Rephrase and resubmit. ■
who much money would I need to drive 750 mile on a 25 mile to the gallon and gas prices are 1.98 a gallon