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You missed out two vital pieces of information... How many miles per gallon the vehicle does - and the price of a gallon of fuel !

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Q: How much money in gas would it cost you to drive 189 miles?
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To figure this out, you would also have to know how many miles you drive with one gallon.

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The answer will depend on the cost of gas, surely!

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You would also have to know the price of gasolene.

How much money would it cost to drive 190 miles if your car gets 30 miles to the gallon?

190/30=6.3333 gallons times unknown cost

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Gasoline cost to drive 3300 miles would be in the neighborhood of $300

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How much would it cost to drive 419 miles at 25 mpg

How much money in gas will it cost you to drive 1080 miles if you get 19 miles to the gallon?

To drive 1080 miles at 19 miles per gallon, you would need 56.84 gallons of gas. Assuming gas costs $2.50 per gallon, it would cost you $142.10 in gas to drive that distance.

How much money in gas will it cost you to drive 1800 miles if you get 19 miles to the gallon?

The cost of 94.7 gallons, approximately.

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How much money would it cost to drive 5000 miles if my car gets 30 miles to the gallon?

It depends on the price of gas. If gas costs $5/gallon, it would cost about $835.00 to go 5000 miles when your car get 30 miles to the gallon. If gas costs $3/gallon, it would cost about $500. cost = 5000/30 * cost-of-gas

How much money in gas will it cost to drive 800 miles if you get 22 miles to the gallon?

It will cost (36.364) times (cost of one gallon of gas).

How much money will it cost to drive 540 miles if you get 12 miles to the gallon?

At $2 a gallon, about $90.