The number of liters you'll use is
(358 miles) divided by (number of miles your car can go on 1 liter)
358 miles
358 miles
3.58 hours
Time = Distance/Speed = 358/80 = 4.475 hours = or 4 hours 28.5 minutes.
The driving distance from Atlanta to Myrtle Beach is 358 miles / 576 km.
The shortest distance is 358 miles.
Its 358 miles from San Diego to Phoenix. Estijmated at 7 hours driving time.
According to the distance is 572km (about 358 miles) and it takes almost 6 hours.
about 5.51 hours or about 330.6 minutes
358 miles
358 kilometers is about 222 miles , so it depends on how fast you are driving ( at a steady 100 kph or 62 mph it would take a little over 3 and 1/2 hours )
The distance between the start point and the destination is 358 miles, and will take approximately 5 hours 46 minutes of driving time.