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Q: If Simpson drives his car with an average velocity of 85 kilometers per hour eastward How long will it take him to drive 560 kilometers on a perfectly straight highway?
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Can an object have an eastward velocity while experiencing a westward accelerations?

The answer is yes and no.Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Velocity is speed plus direction.If an object is travelling eastward and slowing down in a straight line then its velocity is decreasing, it is still travelling eastward. However the force slowing the object is a westward force.A reducing acceleration (slowing down) is most often called a deceleration or negative acceleration. So you have a negative eastward acceleration.

What is the average velocity of the plane if flying eastward at a constant speed travels 300km in 2.0 h?

The average velocity of the plane is 150 km/h eastward because velocity is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken, which in this case would be 300 km / 2.0 hours.

What is the acceleration of a car that travels in a straight line at a constant speed of 135 kilometers per hour?

If a car travels in a straight line with a constant speed, then the car has a constant velocity (determined by direction and speed), and the acceleration is 0.

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Ceres' mean orbital velocity is about 17.9 kilometers per second.

If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right velocity Will?

If you push the ball to the right velocity in the same direction, it will continue moving in a straight line with the new velocity. If there are no other forces acting on it, it will maintain constant velocity due to inertia.

What is the velocity of straight beam ultrasound in aluminum?

longitudinal velocity of aluminum is .25 shear velocity is .12

What is an example of a car traveling eastward and it acceleration be westward?

If a car is driving eastward with a constant velocity and then suddenly applies the brakes to decelerate, its acceleration is in the opposite direction of its motion, which would be westward. This is because acceleration is a vector quantity that can act in the direction opposite to the object's motion.

What is a graph of uniform velocity?

A graph of uniform velocity would be a straight line with a constant slope, indicating that the object is moving at a constant speed in a straight line without changing its velocity.

You throw a ball straight up with a velocity of 40 meters per second. What is the ball's velocity after 3 seconds?

You throw a ball straight up with a velocity of 40 meters per second. What is the ball's velocity after 3 seconds?

What is the velocity of a car going 50 mph due east?

The velocity of a car going 50 mph due east is 50 mph in the eastward direction. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed (magnitude) and direction.

What is the acceleration of a car that maintains a constant velocity of 100km per h for 10 seconds?

Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity. If velocity is constant, then acceleration is zero. Note: "100 km per h for 10 seconds" is a constant speed, but not necessarily a constant velocity, since we're told nothing about the direction. If the car moves in a perfectly straight line during those 10 seconds, then its velocity is constant. If it makes a curve, then its velocity is not constant even though its speed is, and there is acceleration.

An example of uniform motion in a straight line in which velocity is changing at uniform rate?

An object moving along a straight line with increasing velocity in a uniform manner is an example of uniform motion with changing velocity at a uniform rate. This could occur if a car accelerates at a constant rate along a straight road.