It will take 48 minutes to drive 48 miles at the speed of 60mph It will take approximately 41.09 minutes to drive 48 miles at the speed of 70mph
129.23 minutes
it depends on your speed
You must drive at a speed of (16.9 miles) per (15 minutes), or 67.6 mph.
10 minutes.
97.5 miles per hour.
If you drive 37 miles in 15 minutes then in 1 hour (which is 4 x 15 minutes) you drive 4 x 37 = 148 miles. Your speed is therefore 148mph.
18.37 mph
27 minutes.
26 and 1/4 miles
226 miles in 178 minutes equates to an average speed of 76.2 miles per hour.
It will take 2 hours and 20 minutes, if you drive at a constant speed of 105 miles.