The distance is 868 air miles.
It is 868 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 868 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 868 miles according to Google Maps.
Google Maps estimates that your journey covers 868 miles.
The air distance from Orlando, Florida, to London, Canada, is 999 miles. That equals 1,607 kilometers or 868 nautical miles.
868 Miles by car about 11 hours and 48 minutes. I searched it up on google maps =]
It goes 868/8 = 108.5 times
There are infinitely many answers: 1*1*1*868 -1*-1*1*868 -1*-1*-1*-868 -1*1*1*-868 1*1*2*434 and all the variations that go with the signs then 0.1*10*1*868 and all its variants and 0.1*0.1*100*868 etc and 0.2*1*1*4340 etc and so on and on and on.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 1,208mi, (1.944km), and with reasonable traffic conditions it will take approximately 19 hours driving time. (868 air miles).