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Q: The worlds fastest train traveled 77.3 miles at an average speed of 81.8 miles per hour How long did the trip take?
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What is the worlds fastest dog?

The Greyhound is considered the world's fastest dog, capable of reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour.

How fast is the worlds fastest train?

7 million miles a second

How fast is the worlds fastest Lamborghini?

221 miles per hour

Do tornadoes move from were they have come out the sky?

Yes, it is rare for a tornado to be stationary. The average forwards Speed of a tornado is 35mph and the average distance traveled is 5 miles. One record-breaking tornado traveled 219 miles and at times moved at 73 mph. It was the fastest moving, farthest traveling, and deadliest tornado in U.S. history.

How fast can the worlds fastest wild dog go?

60 miles per hour

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What is the fifth fastest mammal?

The wilderbeast is the worlds fifth fastest mammal.the wilderbeasts top spead is 50 miles per hour.

what tour bus traveled 912 miles in 16 hours. What is the average rate the bus traveled?


If the Miller family traveled the Oregon trail and traveled 2212 miles in 126.4 days How far did the Millers travel each day?

They traveled an average of exactly 17.5 miles a day. 2212/126.4 = 17.5

What is the average speed of a car that traveled 800 miles in 12 hours?

The average speed is 66.67 miles per hour.

Whats the worlds fastest air speed record?

18000 miles per hour by the space shuttle

What is the speed of the worlds fastest man fish?

550 million miles per second per hour