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6200 miles per day = 258.3 miles/hour.

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Q: Using 6200 miles as the circumference of the earth at his latitude determine the average speed in miles per hour?
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How do you determine the circumference of the earth if you know a circumference of a smaller latitude and the number of degrees the latitude is from the equator?

You can use the relationship between the circumference of the Earth and the circumference of the smaller latitude to calculate the Earth's circumference. Multiply the circumference of the smaller latitude by the cosine of the latitude. This will give you the circumference of a circle at that latitude, which can then be used to estimate the Earth's circumference.

What is the circumference of the earth at 30 degrees latitude?

At 30 degrees latitude, the circumference of the Earth can be calculated using the formula for the circumference of a circle: C = 2πr * cos(latitude), where r is the radius of the Earth. Taking the average radius of the Earth to be about 6,371 kilometers, the circumference at 30 degrees latitude would be approximately 29,792 kilometers.

How do you determine latitude in the southern hemisphere?

In the Southern Hemisphere, latitude can be determined using the angle of the sun at solar noon. Alternatively, you can use a GPS device or consult nautical charts that provide latitude information for navigational purposes. Additionally, celestial navigation using stars and other celestial bodies can also be used to determine latitude accurately.

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The benefit of using Google to determine average income rates is that Google will locate various websites that makes determining average income rates extremely easy.

A man accepts a bet and circumnavigates the earth in 80 days Using 6200 miles as the circumference of the earth at his latitude determine the average speed in miles over hour?

To find the average speed, we divide the total distance by the time taken. In this case, the man circumnavigated the Earth in 80 days, which is 24 hours/day * 80 days = 1920 hours. The total distance traveled is 6200 miles. Therefore, the average speed is 6200 miles / 1920 hours ≈ 3.23 miles per hour.

How can you determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere just by using a star?

To determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere using a star, measure the angle between the horizon and the star using a sextant. This angle is called the star's altitude. If you know the star's declination (which is constant), subtract it from 90 degrees minus the star's altitude to find your latitude.

In the movie Around the World in 80 Days a man accepts a bet and circumnavigates the earth in 80 days. Using 6200 miles as the circumference of the earth at his latitude determine t?

The man would need to travel at an average speed of approximately 78 miles per hour to circumnavigate the Earth in 80 days. This calculation is based on the assumption that he travels continuously without delays or stops.

How do you work out diameter from using circumference?

EDIT: To find the diameter, using the circumference - you divide the circumference by the value of Pi - Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

What is the average girth of a man?

Somewhere between four and five inches circumference. Measured around the middle of the penis (lengthwise) using a tape measure

What is the formula in finding middle latitude sailing?

Middle latitude sailing is a navigation method that involves using a series of spherical triangles to determine the course to be followed on a Mercator chart. The formula used in finding middle latitude sailing involves solving these spherical triangles by applying spherical trigonometry principles. It's typically done using a navigational calculator or computer program to determine the course and distance to a destination.

How could longitude lines and latitude lines help if you were in sea?

If you used a sextant and a marine chronometer you could determine your position and plot this on a map using latitude and longitude. If you did this regularly you would be able to plot your course.

How do you find the latitude of northern hemisphere?

To find the latitude in the northern hemisphere, you can use a GPS device or online map tools that provide latitude information based on your current location. Additionally, you can determine latitude using a sextant and celestial navigation techniques by measuring the angle of the North Star above the horizon.