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Q: What are the total hours worked between 830 am to 430pm?
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What is the total hours worked between 634 PM to 430 AM?

Well total hours worked would be 10 hours. you cannot count 4 minutes towards an 11th hour.

How do you calculate Accident Frequency?

Total number of accidents multiplied by one million and divided for total worked hours. AF= (Number of accidents * 1x10^6)/Worked Hours Total number of accidents - Accidents that had result in absence to work. That had originated lost days. Total worked hours - Number of worked hours done by all employees in that period. Incluing extra hours of work, excluding holidays, etc.

how to work out heather earns 8.00?

To calculate Heather's earnings, we need to know the number of hours she worked. Once we have that information, we can multiply it by her hourly rate of $8.00 to determine her total earnings. Here's the formula: Total Earnings = Hourly Rate * Number of Hours Worked For example, if Heather worked 20 hours, her total earnings would be: Total Earnings = $8.00 * 20 hours = $160.00 Please provide the number of hours Heather worked, and I can calculate her total earnings for you.

Dustin worked 5 hours a day for 3 days this week Last week he worked a total of 20 hours How many hours did he work in all?

35 hours because if he worked 5 hours for 3 days, 5x3 = 15 and if he worked 20 hours the previous week, 15+20=35.

How do you calculate hours and minutes worked?

To calculate the hours and minutes worked you could simply start a timer when you get to work and stop it when you leave. Do this every day until it is time to turn in your hours and minutes worked. The amount on the timer will be your total.

Is your paycheck the total of the number of hours worked times the rate of pay?


Is your paycheck the total of the number of hours worked times your rate of pay?


How do you calculate manpower?

To calculate manpower or labor productivity, you divide the value of goods and services produced by the total hours worked by employees over a specified period. You can also calculate labor productivity by dividing the total sales by the total amount of hours worked.

What is the Plural form of man-hour?

man-hours. They have worked a total of 150 man hours. (Not sure about the hyphen)

Over five weeks if you earned a total of 788.50 and You were paid 4.15 an hour and worked the same number of hours each week how many hours per week did has been worked?

35 hours

What are total man hours worked?

man hours are the total amount of hours each employee works. For example, 10 men working one 10 hour shift would be 100 man hours.

How do you calculate the fatal accident rate - accident incident rate - lost time accident frequency rate and accident severity rate of a company?

fatal accident rate is number of fatal accidents x 100,000 divided by the total hours worked. Accident incident rate is the total number of accidents x 100,000 divided by the total hours worked. accident severity rate is the total days lost x 1,000 divided by the total hours worked