The distance between Yorkshire England and London England is roughly about 150 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 34.7 miles.
The distance from Covenrty England to London England is 154Km and the driving time is about 1 1/2 hrs.
The distance in miles is 9,445 between England and Australia .
The distance from England to Iraq is 3686.23 Kilometers or 2290.58 Miles
The distance between England and Virginia is approximately 3,670 miles (5,906 kilometers) if you were to travel by air.
The distance from York, England, to Liverpool, England, is 87 miles. That equals 140 kilometers or 76 nautical miles.
Distance from England to brazil?
Taplow to Camebridge England is a distance of 119Km the journey takes 1hr 16mins.
The distance betwee England (London) and Barcalona is 707 miles or 1138 kilometers.
The coastline around mainland Great Britain is 11,072.76 miles. If you could literally swim right along the shoreline, that would be the distance. Because that is impossible, the answer would depend upon how far off-shore you swim.